We, at ACTION DnA, have constantly placed a great deal of significance on certification as it is an important part of any type of training program and it likewise increases organizational reliability. Accredited and endorsed training enhances the efficacy of organizational performance. Although certification parameters vary as per industry norms, certain requirements however are valued across a large span of sectors. It provides quality control, guarantees consistency of industry standard, supplying responsibility for learning as well as efficiency end results. It is not only the concern of every potential trainee but additionally of ACTION DnA, which has gone all the way to get the feasible assistance from the leading bodies associated with teaching internationally.
ACTION DnA believes that our students should get the best of Soft Skills training. We make it a point to ensure that the students enrolling our Training on Personality Development, Public Speaking, Communication Skills, Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Certified Soft Skills Trainer Courses should get nothing but the highest quality training as well as enhanced employability and business success (for entrepreneurship training courses). ACTION DnA’s gamut of Soft Skills Training Courses are exhaustive with total focus on latest learning and development methods which are experiential.
This has led to our seeking accreditations, collaborations and endorsements from various national and international body of repute that have been given below:

American Council of Training and Development (ACTD)
ACTION DnA has met the American Council of Training and Development’s recognition requirements in accordance with international standards and general requirements for accreditation services to Professional Training institutions. As a consequence, it has become a part of the ACTD network of globally recognized organizations. ACTD is an independent board established in the United States of America that issued a license certificate from the Secretary of State of New Jersey. It provides training development, training programs, supervision of courses and professional programs, accreditation and evaluation service for training institutions and trainers worldwide, and they have an advanced global network with regional offices spread all over the world

Council for Vocational Education and Skill Development (CVESD)
ACTION DnA is affiliated with CVESD (Council for Vocational Training and Skill Development) which is licensed from Ministry of Corporate Affairs- Govt of India. The Council for Vocational Education & Skill Development is a statutory organisation set up to make India more competitive through the development of its Vocational Skills. It is mandated to plan, coordinate and establish standards and qualifications for the discipline of CVESD.
CVESD provides education to prepare people – students, job seekers, the employed and the self-employed – for the world of work and business. Also it includes all programmes and courses that contribute towards the development of the knowledge, technical skills, attitudes, and core skills essential to being competitive in the world of work. CVESD assesses and recognises courses as conforming to the requirements of Global standards.

UK International Qualifications (UKIQ)
ACTION DnA has received accreditation from UK International Qualifications. UKIQ accredited courses and qualifications show that the learning activities and qualifications have met the required UK International Qualifications standards and benchmarks. The learning value has been inspected to ensure integrity and quality. UKIQ accreditation gives recognised independent accreditation, consistent with global standards and benchmarks

Indian Society for Training & Development (ISTD)
The Indian Society for Training & Development (ISTD), established in April 1970, is a national level professional & non-profit society that has a large membership of individuals and institutions involved in the area of training and development of Human Resource from Government, Public and Private Sector Organizations & Enterprises; Educational and Training Institutions and other Professional Bodies. The Society is affiliated to the International Federation of Training and Development Organizations (IFTDO), Geneva and Asian Regional Training and Development Organizations (ARTDO), Manila. Khaleel Rehman, Director of Action DnA is a proud Member of ISTD.