We have different programs/courses customized to your requirements.

  • Personality Development Course
  • Public Speaking Skills Course
  • Leadership Skills Course
  • Certified Soft Skills Trainer Course
  • Placement Training
  • Spoken English
  • Comprehensive Soft Skills
  • Entrepreneurship Training
  • Business Communication Skills
  • Selling Skills
  • Negotiation Skills
  • Digital Marketing Course

As a College Student, You can join any of our soft skills training course depending upon which skill you want to develop. Please refer the list of courses in our website.

You can join Personality Development or Public Speaking Skills. You can also join Comprehensive Soft Skills Training. You can also join Spoken English course, to become more fluent in English

We cover Business Strategy, Business Planning, Sales Management, Negotiation Techniques, Leadership Skills, Motivation, Time & Stress Management, etc.

We cover Personality Development, Public Speaking Skills, Leadership, Negotiation, Emotional Intelligence, Time & Stress Management, etc.

We have range of Courses beginning from 12 Sessions for Placement Training to 36 Sessions for Comprehensive Soft Skills Training. Entrepreneurship Training has 48 Sessions (with 6 months mentorship) and Train the Trainer has 60 Sessions (with 6 months on the job training)

The duration of each session will be 90 mins (1 hr 30 mins per session).

We have uniform prices. We cannot charge different rates for different students.

We have ongoing batches. You can join this week / weekend.

We have ongoing batches, there are some exclusive modules and some common modules. We will take up exclusive modules on an individual basis and then you can join the general batch for the common modules. You can join this week / weekend.

You can pay in two instalments. At the time of joining, you can pay 50% and after 2 – 3 weeks, you can pay the balance 50%. The discount will not be applicable to you if you make the payment in two instalments.

Sure. We will compensate the classes for you. The program is based on no. of sessions – 12 / 18 / 24 / 36 / 48 / 60 Sessions as per the course. However the course must be finished within the stipulated no. of weeks / months.

We don’t have trial classes. You can watch our Video recordings of our classes available in our website (video page) or in youtube (actiondna). You can check out our classes online and also check our customer feedback in google. 

You can make the payment online via our payment gateway. Go to our pricing page and choose the course and proceed to pay.