Group Discussion and Interview Skills
Group Discussion (GD) Skills
Action DnA’s Training module for Group Discussion would help to train the minds of the trainees, so that they could appear in the Group Discussions and emerge with flying colors. The module covers variety of current topics. It would inculcate the basic principles and behaviours in candidates so that they could succeed in any Group Discussion test or challenge.
Our Group Discussion training covers following modules:
- Ability to work in a team
- Communication Skills
- Reasoning ability
- Leadership skills
- Initiative
- Assertiveness
- Flexibility & Creativity
- Ability to think on one’s feet
Interview skills
The interview is the final hurdle most people have to cross in getting a job. Some colleges and education programs also require interviews. Being chosen for an interview means someone is interested in your skills, knowledge and experience. However, a great application or CV can quickly find its way into the bin if you do not come across well in an interview. You now must become a sales person. The interviewer is the buyer. They want to see if your talents meet their needs for the job. Sell yourself!
The interview is when you want to tell the employer or admissions representative about your Strengths, Skills, Education and Work experience. Knowing yourself – positively selling your strong points – is what is going to get you the job or admission to the college.
Our Interview skills Program covers following modules
- Before the interview
- Start of the interview
- The interview
- End of the interview
- The follow up